I really miss the old CardMunch app before LinkedIn ruined it. I tried Haystack and do not recommend it. It doesnt read cards well and if you make the mistake of giving it access to your contacts, you WILL regret it. It injects mistakes into peoples titles and addresses that werent there before (for example, "1234 Pine Tree Dr, Suite B, Anytown, PA 23456 USA", with everything in its proper field, becomes "SuiteBn1234PineTreeDrAnytownPA23456USA" all on the first address field all running together. Also it links to the contacts (supposedly to keep them updated should that person change jobs) and you have to manually unlink them in order to make changes. And in some cases, I have been unable to delete contacts or save my manual changes.
Finally, it appears to be the cause of a crazy problem with voice commands. I work for a large firm and have dozens of people from the same company in my address book. Since I made the mistake of installing this app, I can no longer trust Siri to text the right people by my voice command. For example, if Im driving and I say "text John Smith" (who is my office manager and someone I text daily), now Siri sends a text to another random person in the same company. This has happened multiple times, the people texted have names that are in no way similar to "John Smith", nor did they have any relation in my address book other than the same company name and main office number (which is a land line, and it is trying to text the wrong persons mobile). This is the only app Ive given access to my address book in years, and this problem started after that. So it is not definitive proof, but it sure looks like it is the cause. And of course, uninstalling it doesnt undo the damage to your Apple address book.
So, while I would love an app that worked well with business cards and helped me keep my contacts up to date, THIS AINT IT.